The Pragmatic Press: Books that make you think.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Price Point Change on Meeting Lizzy, New YA Fiction Release
Here at LJW Publishing we're all about books and books just wouldn't mean much if no one was reading them. So we've decided to make it even easier for more people to read our upcoming YA fiction release, Meeting Lizzy by SarahBeth Carter, by lowering the price point on the book from $12.95 to $9.95 just in time for its official release date tomorrow, September 19, 2008. So get out there and request it at your favorite book store. It's available through all major book outlets and wholesalers. Happy book shopping!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Official Release Date for Meeting Lizzy, September 19, 2008

LJW Publishing's Meeting Lizzy will be officially available for sale September 19, 2008. So in preparation we're providing you with everything you could ever wish to know about where to get the book, why to get the book, when to get the book, and what's already being said about the book!
Where to get Meeting Lizzy:
1. From the official distributor of LJW Publishing: Atlas Books
2. At major online retailers: Amazon or B&
3. Your local bookstore! The book is available through the major wholesalers so if your bookstore doesn't have it...they can definitely get it! Just tell them you want it.
Why to purchase Meeting Lizzy:
1. Meeting Lizzy is the perfect opportunity to sit back and enjoy a good read.
2. Early Reader Review copies resulted in enthusiastic responses from YAs, librarians, and parents alike.
3. The enjoyment of reading is doubly satisfying due to the book's honest yet delicate treatment of teen dating violence, a topic discussed far less than its 1 in 4 statistics deserve.
4. The tantalizing story line combined with the addictive quality of Meeting Lizzy's characters will make you glad you read it.
When to get Meeting Lizzy:
1. Pre-order it right now at or B&
2. Drop your request at your local bookstore today and ask to be able to pick up your copy of Meeting Lizzy on the 19th!
3. September 19, 2008...the book will be available to one and all. If your favorite bookstore doesn't have it; they can get it!
Click on the following links to read full reviews completed by Early Readers:
A great read! Gets you on the first page...
Great story that pulls you in...
Flamingnet Student Book Reviewer...
Not my style,but I couldn't put it down just the same...
Wow...loved this book...
Love to read? You'll love to read this...
I'm not a reader, but I really liked reading this...
A fabulous book...
A reviewer...
Read the press release here!
As mentioned in/on: Foreword Magazine, Like OMG Teens Read Newsletter (although this post accidentally lists the upcoming release under hardcover instead of paperback), Simply Books, Shelfari,,, Flamingnet and more!
Find out more about the book and the author at SarahBeth's author blog: WritingNWords
Friday, September 5, 2008
Talking Books!

In USA Today's Fall Books Preview they described some books as "talkers" when they said, "Certain books are 'talkers.' They make you think, react and want to chat up your friends about what you've just read."
Here at LJW Publishing we love the description USA Today gave of the books that leave you discovering new things to think about and discuss. We thought you'd appreciate it, too!
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