Are we so busy we haven't got time to think? Are we so tired and brain dead that thinking is the last thing we have time to think about? More and more are we thinking about less and less?
Are we allowing others like the media, politicians, religious leaders, parents, teachers, pundits, psychics, celebrities, spin doctors, bosses, friends, even traditions and superstitions to think for us? Are we being told how we should and must think, and accepting others' thinking without thinking for ourselves?
A Pragmatic Thinker is a person who observes oneself, other people and the issues of the world around them, as 'practically' as possible. We strive to think for ourselves, examining the cause and the effect of our thinking.
By: Larry John, LJW Author. To read more Larry John order his book: Larryisms or visit his website at The Pragmatic Thinker!
Are we allowing others like the media, politicians, religious leaders, parents, teachers, pundits, psychics, celebrities, spin doctors, bosses, friends, even traditions and superstitions to think for us? Are we being told how we should and must think, and accepting others' thinking without thinking for ourselves?
A Pragmatic Thinker is a person who observes oneself, other people and the issues of the world around them, as 'practically' as possible. We strive to think for ourselves, examining the cause and the effect of our thinking.
By: Larry John, LJW Author. To read more Larry John order his book: Larryisms or visit his website at The Pragmatic Thinker!