The Pragmatic Press: Books that make you think.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Positive Voice Amongst the Mob of Negativity Surrounding New Home Builders

LJW Publishing’s upcoming release, 21st Century Advertising for New Home Builders by Preston John, will be on shelves July 18, 2008. The book is a timely addition to an industry that is currently being overwhelmed by the negative effects of a changing economy. The upcoming release may be described by some as a “survival guide” for those in the new home building industry, but Preston John would describe it as a guide to thriving in an industry of change.

The Book: 21st Century Advertising for New Home Builders
Publisher: LJW Publishing
Distributor: Atlas Books
Author: Preston John
ISBN 13: 978-0-9761986-5-9
Publication Date: July 18, 2008
Price: $12.95
Binding: paperback, perfect binding
Page Count: 196
Book Category: Business/General; Business/Construction; Business/Advertising

The Author: Preston John
The author, Preston John, is the C.E.O. of the nation’s largest Sales & Marketing firm specializing in New Home Builders. He is aware of the necessary steps to take during industry climate changes to ensure that his clients outlast their less prepared competitors. He has dedicated his career to sales & marketing in the real estate industry and continues to thrive on the never ending growth that completing the job successfully requires.

The Publisher: LJW Publishing
LJW Publishing is a division of LJW, Inc., founded 23 years ago and still experiencing new and exciting possibilities. LJW Publishing’s main offices are located in Mesa, Arizona just outside of Phoenix. The company is excited to publish this particular work as it is so applicable to current economic issues in the nation and in the new home building industry specifically.

For More Information:
For more information on the book, the author, or the publishing company contact Sarah Carter at