The Pragmatic Press: Books that make you think.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Online Destinations for Those Who Love Books and Reading!

There are more and more websites popping up that cater to readers! Here are a few of our favorites: This site encourages users to input their personal library with reviews of books they've read. It is particularly useful for discovering new titles that you'll like by accessing other users' libraries that have similar reading tastes. You can also easily look up specific works by title and author. And from the publisher's perspective they've got a great early reader review program (and it's free of charge for the initial year or so which is an extra bonus!) Another great site about books with some fun and interesting features for readers. It's easy to meet other readers with similar likes and dislikes and it's just as easy to stay anonymous and just read through the online discussions to get an idea of what you'd like to read next (and what you really DON'T want to read next!) And they've been doing a bit of revamping! We're looking forward to checking it out again soon! This is an online book club site. While the "book club" function could be incorporated into the more extensive sites, for some the simpler the better. This particular site is a new addition to the crowd and looks like it might be a great choice for those who are looking to arrange a reading group online (or even for those who want to arrange for some easy communication between the members of a longstanding reading group that meets monthly or bi-monthly, etc.) Check it out. It's got easy to use nomination and voting features to ensure that everyone in the group is as involved as they want to be and up to date on the latest info!

This is just a tiny portion of the huge mass of sites available to the avid reader online. Get out there and discover the site that accommodates your specific needs today!