The Pragmatic Press: Books that make you think.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

SarahBeth Carter's "Readers Who Write" Author Event

LJW Publishing author, SarahBeth Carter, is currently offering a fabulous teen author event she calls, "Readers Who Write!" The event encourages teens to accept their natural ability to tell a story by looking at the world around them and their own daily activites for writing inspiration. Teens get ALL this within the typical 1-2 hour time period and in a manner that ensures that all attendees are having a good time!

One popular portion of the event is the 25 Words or Less Game in which each teen summarizes their favorite book in 25 words or less without noting the title or author. All the cards are then returned to the author or the host of the event and as a group we attempt to determine which books are being described. The game is finished off by each teen drawing a random card with book description, title and author (added after guessing) so they can broaden their reading horizons by reading the title suggested. You never know when you'll happen upon a writing style that will inspire you to reach for a higher level in your own writing.

The event is peppered with giveaways that could include any of the following: books (of course), DVDs, treats of gummy bears and/or gum, Panda Express gift cards and more. (All the prizes are directly related to SarahBeth's new YA release, Meeting Lizzy, which makes it all the more fun!)

To schedule your own "Readers Who Write" Author Event get in touch with LJW Publishing today!