The Pragmatic Press: Books that make you think.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Honest Reviews in Exchange for Free Books

Ever wished that you could be a book reviewer? Even if you only wished it because you figured it would mean TONS and TONS of great, FREE books? There's nothing wrong with that. Here are two online spots you can join that offer the benefit of free books in exchange for reviews on the site:

Both offer the opportunity to share your library, post ratings of books you've read, hook up with friends to talk about books you like, don't like, hate and might want to read. And they both offer the chance to request books (usually pre-release). The number of books available are, of course, far smaller than the number of readers requesting them so it's kind of like a lottery, but it's worth it. The process to request is quick and painless and every now and then you'll get a free book out of it! Good luck.