The Pragmatic Press: Books that make you think.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Larryisms Google Gadget!

Add the Larryisms Google Gadget to your igoogle homepage and you'll get a new Larryisms delivered to your desktop daily! You can't beat that for service...

We're hoping you'll be hooked and need to have them all in writing sooner or later. And when you're ready you'll come back to us...and order a book or two of your own!

Your Favorite Used Book Store

Many avid readers would be able to immediately answer when asked, "What's your favorite used book store?" I know I could.

Many avid (and even semi-interested) readers could answer when asked, "Where do you buy books online?"

But how many would be able to give a good answer when asked, "What's your favorite online used bookstore?"

Don't doubt...they are definitely out there. And in the hope that it might encourage more book purchases by the general public. We'll share the answers from LJW Publishing staff:

Question: "What's your favorite used book store?"

Answer 1: The used book store right next to Mango's on Main Street in downtown Mesa, AZ. -Sarah

Answer 2: Half Price Books. They're all over the place. -Kim

Question: "Where do you buy books online?"

Answer 1: -Larry

Answer 2: -Katie

Question: "Where's your favorite online used book store?"

Answer: It's kind of like a directory of tons of different used bookstores across the country. And you have access to the cumulative inventory. It's great. -Sarah

So now that you know all our favorite/secret book spots...get out there and get some books for your most favorite people and surprise them for the holidays!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Audio Books vs. Books in Print

As reading fanatics, you might expect LJW Publishing to be anti audio books. In response to such an assumption we would have to say...on the contrary! We love audio books. We think they are a modern compromise that encourages more children and adults alike to appreciate language. The written word is still the written word whether you are reading it or it is being read to you.

We find that the resulting thought processes vary when comparing audio books with traditional books in print. Most of us are aware that different individuals learn best in different ways. Some people may get more out of the written word when they are looking at it and reading it themselves. Others may get more out of the written word when they are looking at it and hearing it read to them. Still others may get more out of the written word when they are hearing it without seeing the words in front of them.

Never let it be said that the modern man (and woman and child) doesn't know how to multi-task. For good or evil, most of us are rarely doing only one thing at a time. The audio book allows us to incorporate language and the appreciation of it into this crazy, mixed up, fast track world that we live in.

So if you've got a friend, loved one, or acquaintance that insists that they don't read for whatever reason: no time, no interest, no ability, no passion, no knowledge of books, etc. Suggest an audio book (or force one on them).

And be on the lookout for upcoming Audio Book releases from LJW Publishing!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Wonderful Holiday Gift for those Difficult to Buy for!

At LJW Publishing we think reading should be America's favorite pastime. Oh can still love baseball, but reading should be right there near the top of your list, too! So this holiday season...give at least one person on your list a book.

In a previous post, you can find a list of some of the LJW Publishing staff's favorite Arizona authors. You'll find that they'd make great gifts! And LJW Publishing's very own Larryisms: Book One makes a fabulous holiday gift. You'll find it more than suitable for that difficult family member of friend who always seems to leave you without a clue what to give them for the holidays! Make it simple and give them a gift that will make them laugh, think, gasp, mumble, nod, smile, and possibly call you up to discuss! You can't miss with a book that versatile!

And PLEASE! You'll be helping out humanity just by encouraging one more person to overcome the negative statistics we've got going on and read a book...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Frightening Statistics on Books and Reading in the US:

58% of the US adult population never reads another book after high school.

42% of college graduates never read another book after graduation.

80% of US families did not buy or read a book last year.

70% of US adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years.

57% of new books are not read to completion.

Most readers do not get past page 18 in a book they have purchased.

These statistics were part of a report posted online by Teaching Sells (page 15) and reflect the book reading and book purchasing habits of the US public.

They are a sad commentary on the state of the average person's mind. If you find yourself falling into any of the above are officially urged to do something to remove yourself from the stigma of negative book reading habits.

At LJW Publishing we believe that reading is one of the most efficient methods for learning and growth as well as just plain thinking about our many faceted world. And considering that's even just a little bit true...think about what these statistics imply!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Reading and Not Reading:

"There is very little difference in not knowing how to read and not reading. The end result is the same." - Larry John

The above quote is compliments of Larry John, the author of LJW Publishing's first book release, Larryisms: Book One. This is just one of many quotes meant to inspire the pragmatic in you to come to the forefront and take charge as you go throughout your day. The book is an introduction to Pragmatic Thinking as seen by Larry John. It's funny, it's witty, it's off the wall, it's obvious, it's clever, and it's downright usable. Check it out here!

This particular thought is doubly appropriate for LJW Publishing since we believe in making people think through reading. There's a link there that cannot be denied. So the next time you're kids ask you to read a book...just do it. And the next time someone gives you a book as a it. And the next time you hear about a book that strikes your it. And the next time you find yourself struggling for a topic of thoughtful conversation, maybe you'll be able to think about something you've read recently and offer it up as the chosen bit of thought for the moment. That's what reading is all about. Take it and run with it.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Current Methods of Distribution

Larryisms is now listed with Baker & Taylor (wholesale), at and directly from the LJW Publishing website. We are currently under consideration with Barnes & Noble and Borders Books has combined their online sales with Amazon so that was a two for one. You can look up the nearest Borders store near you to check availability of Larryisms: Book One in stores as well. Just click here.

We haven't been able to break into the Chapters market (Canada) because they only deal with Canadian distributors...and that's something we definitely aren't!(If someone out there happens to know a way around this little hiccup feel free to let us know! We're all ears.)

We'll keep you updated on the various methods through which you can find our books as they grow.

Publishers Weekly

Check out LJW Publishing's current new release listing at Publishers Weekly...just click HERE!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Stellar Arizona Authors:

As an Arizona based publishing house that is dedicated to publishing Arizona authors, we at LJW Publishing thought it would be appropriate to recognize some established authors that are from Arizona. So here are a few Arizona natives turned author that our staff reads:

Check out her author website...she has many good books available!

James A. Owen

Check them out! They're worth looking into if you haven't ever tried their books...

Friday, November 2, 2007

New Statistics: TV vs. Books

The East Valley Tribune reported Thursday (Nov. 1st, 2007) that recently published statistics show that more parents are restricting TV watching for their kids. A higher number of parents are imposing rules limiting the kinds of programs their kids watch, the length of time they get to watch and the time of day they are allowed to have their TV time.

In addition to limiting the amount of time spent with the TV each day...parents have also increased the number of times they read to their children weekly. These statistics look good in comparison to similar statistics from past years, but I have to say...I'm sure we can all keep improving in this area. TV vs. Books...come on...that's not a competition. Books win hands down! Now we just have to make sure we pass that knowledge on to the next generation.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Upcoming Title! Sales and Marketing for New Homes: Beyond Advertising

LJW Publishing has a new title scheduled for release in Summer of 2008 called Sales and Marketing for New Homes: Beyond Advertising. The book is written by Preston John, a Sales & Marketing executive whose company has helped many reputable, new home builders to increase their sales and maximize their marketability. We're excited to begin promoting the book. Check back to see upcoming postings of excerpts on our Books page at LJW Publishing. If you've got new home sales & marketing us! Maybe we'll include them in the book! But you have to be will shortly be headed off to the printer.