Many avid readers would be able to immediately answer when asked, "What's your favorite used book store?" I know I could.
Many avid (and even semi-interested) readers could answer when asked, "Where do you buy books online?"
But how many would be able to give a good answer when asked, "What's your favorite online used bookstore?"
Don't doubt...they are definitely out there. And in the hope that it might encourage more book purchases by the general public. We'll share the answers from LJW Publishing staff:
Question: "What's your favorite used book store?"
Answer 1: The used book store right next to Mango's on Main Street in downtown Mesa, AZ. -Sarah
Answer 2: Half Price Books. They're all over the place. -Kim
Question: "Where do you buy books online?"
Answer 1: Amazon.com -Larry
Answer 2: BarnesandNoble.com -Katie
Question: "Where's your favorite online used book store?"
Answer: abebooks.com. It's kind of like a directory of tons of different used bookstores across the country. And you have access to the cumulative inventory. It's great. -Sarah
So now that you know all our favorite/secret book spots...get out there and get some books for your most favorite people and surprise them for the holidays!