The Pragmatic Press: Books that make you think.

Friday, November 2, 2007

New Statistics: TV vs. Books

The East Valley Tribune reported Thursday (Nov. 1st, 2007) that recently published statistics show that more parents are restricting TV watching for their kids. A higher number of parents are imposing rules limiting the kinds of programs their kids watch, the length of time they get to watch and the time of day they are allowed to have their TV time.

In addition to limiting the amount of time spent with the TV each day...parents have also increased the number of times they read to their children weekly. These statistics look good in comparison to similar statistics from past years, but I have to say...I'm sure we can all keep improving in this area. TV vs. Books...come on...that's not a competition. Books win hands down! Now we just have to make sure we pass that knowledge on to the next generation.