Larryisms is now listed with Baker & Taylor (wholesale), at Amazon.com and directly from the LJW Publishing website. We are currently under consideration with Barnes & Noble and Borders Books has combined their online sales with Amazon so that was a two for one. You can look up the nearest Borders store near you to check availability of Larryisms: Book One in stores as well. Just click here.
We haven't been able to break into the Chapters market (Canada) because they only deal with Canadian distributors...and that's something we definitely aren't!(If someone out there happens to know a way around this little hiccup feel free to let us know! We're all ears.)
We'll keep you updated on the various methods through which you can find our books as they grow.
We haven't been able to break into the Chapters market (Canada) because they only deal with Canadian distributors...and that's something we definitely aren't!(If someone out there happens to know a way around this little hiccup feel free to let us know! We're all ears.)
We'll keep you updated on the various methods through which you can find our books as they grow.