At LJW Publishing we encourage our authors to make themselves visible on the Internet. This benefits the authors by getting them exposure to their books (and upcoming releases). It benefits the publishing house by bringing hits to our website through link backs from author articles. It benefits ezines, websites and bloggers on the topics at hand because much of what they post is being made available for redistribution at no cost to the user. And it benefits the end reader because what they have to say is worth reading.
Here are a few of the article distribution and publication sites that we suggest they access:
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And this is most likely just a drop in the hat compared to all the different available sites out there. So make sure to take advantage of it no matter if you're an author looking to promote your book, a publisher looking to find new buyers for related books, or a publication editor looking for great, free content.
The Pragmatic Press: Books that make you think.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Getting Ready to Send Upcoming Titles out to Reviewers:
Here at LJW Publishing we're getting ready to submit our two upcoming titles to reviewers. First out is 21st Century Advertising for New Home Builders in July 2008 and following 2 months later is Meeting Lizzy. All LJW Publishing books are available for purchase through Atlas Books and through major wholesalers and retailers everywhere.

21st Century Advertising for New Home Builders provides builders with the necessary knowledge to apply modern advertising, sales & marketing techniques that give them the edge as they accommodate recent changes in the industry and increase their home sales.

Meeting Lizzy is a fiction YA novel introducing Lizzy. She slams into Cy’s life with the menacing shadow of “Beef Man” right behind and Cy’s priorities fall apart making room for a secret so big and so wrong that he can’t think of anything else.
To pre-order visit Atlas Books. For author or book information visit the LJW Publishing website. If you'd like us to consider sending out a book for you to review, send your name, address, and credentials along and we'll definitely consider it!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Quotes Regarding Books that We Should All Read
The test of literature is, I suppose, whether we ourselves live more intensely for the reading of it. -Elizabeth Drew
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed on and digested. -Francis Bacon
The greatest gift is a passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you the knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It is a moral illumination. -Elizabeth Hardwick
I don't think one can accurately measure the historical effectiveness of a poem; but one does know, of course, that books influence individuals; and individuals, although they are part of large economic and social processes, influence history. Every mass is after all made up of millions of individuals. -Denise Levertov
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed on and digested. -Francis Bacon
The greatest gift is a passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you the knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It is a moral illumination. -Elizabeth Hardwick
I don't think one can accurately measure the historical effectiveness of a poem; but one does know, of course, that books influence individuals; and individuals, although they are part of large economic and social processes, influence history. Every mass is after all made up of millions of individuals. -Denise Levertov
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Upcoming Titles: 21st Century Advertising for New Home Builders and Meeting Lizzy

Our two upcoming titles: 21st Century Advertising for New Home Builders and Meeting Lizzy will be available this summer. We're excited to offer two more great books by great Arizona authors! Here's the sell sheet that goes out with orders and initiates contact with book buyers.
With our next two releases, LJW Publishing will be offering a total of 3 great books! If you haven't heard about them...check them out!
Larryisms: This pragmatic author recognizes the misguided priorities that lead to widespread disinterest in thinking and offers a wildly eclectic mix of quotes and observations (some more serious than others) encouraging readers to think for themselves!
21st Century Advertising for New Home Builders: New Home Builders can gain the necessary knowledge to apply modern advertising, sales & marketing techniques that give them the edge as they accommodate recent changes in the industry and increase their home sales.
Meeting Lizzy: Lizzy slams into Cy’s life with the menacing shadow of “Beef Man” right behind and Cy’s priorities fall apart making room for a secret so big and so wrong that he can’t think of anything else.
For more information contact us or get on the LJW Publishing website.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Loving the First Lady's Opinion on "Good Books"

In a recent speech at the AAP annual meeting in New York City, First Lady Laura Bush said, "A nation that does not read for itself cannot think for itself. And a nation that cannot think for itself risks losing both its identity and its freedom. Ray Bradbury was right when he said, 'You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.'"
Well said! This is exactly how we feel here at LJW Publishing. And we hope that we're able to make a difference (no matter how small) in the way consumers view books, thinking, and reading. See the connection?
Friday, March 7, 2008
News on One of the Bookstore BIGS: Borders Books and Music

Apparently Borders is taking back their online presence in April of 2008. (In recent history they had partnered with Amazon to handle online sales). This seems to be a part of a larger face lift they are incorporating in many of their stores this year. They recently opened a "new" Borders store offering some fun "tech" bonuses to enhance the shopping experience for customers. One of these included CD burning which could be very interesting. Someone mentioned in an online forum that maybe they would offer options for burning audio books...although that sort of bonus is probably something we will continue to wish for as it would cut into their sales.
One of the main changes they've made to how they handle their inventory is to stock a lower number of books in stores so they can display them more prominently. It seems to be effective so far with sales rising due mostly to the new display philosophy. It means more sales for some, and a lot less sales for others. But it seems to be a smart move for Borders. They are incorporating kiosks in their new stores where customers can search online inventory for the books they don't find "in stock" at their brick and mortar locations.
For more information check this great online newsletter from Shelf Awareness.
One of the main changes they've made to how they handle their inventory is to stock a lower number of books in stores so they can display them more prominently. It seems to be effective so far with sales rising due mostly to the new display philosophy. It means more sales for some, and a lot less sales for others. But it seems to be a smart move for Borders. They are incorporating kiosks in their new stores where customers can search online inventory for the books they don't find "in stock" at their brick and mortar locations.
For more information check this great online newsletter from Shelf Awareness.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Four Pillars of Wealth: based on Larry John's Think Rich to Get Rich
LJW Author Larry John is offering a post for us today based on his first book published by Arcturus Publishing out of London, Think Rich to Get Rich. For more information on obtaining this title look on, visit Arcturus Publishing, or request it at your local bookstore!
The Four Pillars of Wealth
By Larry John
One thing I know for sure is that most people want to get rich. Some want power, some want fame, but almost all of us want money. So I came up with a "rich formula" that is 100% successful.
This formula, if precisely followed, will assure you will become rich. We have been told, "If you work hard, you will make money." And that's true, but the question is, how much money? I have seen a lot of people who work hard at McDonalds, Wal-Mart, Taco Bell, Ace Hardware, or in Real Estate, Insurance, Advertising, Training Horses, Cooking, Building Homes, etc.
They work 10-12 hours days, 6-7 days a week, and never have two nickels to rub together at the end of the month. So, looking at this in a pragmatic way of thinking, just working hard and long certainly doesn't insure you will get rich. Some say that the key to getting rich is to "work smart" not "work hard."
I think I know what they mean when they say that. This "work smart" concept has been explained to me as doing the things that are important; not just the things that are urgent. I will admit that this is definitely a step in the right direction, but one step is not enough to get rich.
I have been looking and evaluating all the rich people I know to come up with a real formula to make money and keep money. It's like in science: the formula for water is H2O, or 2 parts Hydrogen and one part Oxygen. If you have HO2 you will have something totally different.
I don't know what HO2 is, but it ain't water. The formula for water is what it is and you can't change it. So what is the pragmatic formula for getting rich?
Now, when I say get rich I am not talking about "doing well, getting by, doing Okay or even doing fine." I am talking about rich - that point in life when money doesn't rule your life; that point when you rule money or when you are not attached to money.
That point in life at which you do the things you want to do, when you want to do them without worrying about how you will afford to do them. I don't need to tell you when you are rich; you will know rich when you are rich. It is like someone asking you, "When will I know when I have arrived?"
If you have to ask, you haven't. If you have to ask if you are rich, you aren't. Being rich is not a number; it is a state of mind. But believe me, when you are you know it. So, here is the pragmatic formula that if followed, will make you rich. Rich rests upon four giant pillars of wealth. Using one or two of the pillars will help you make more money, but if you use all four, you will get rich.
So don't say you don't need one of them. You need all four pillars to be rich. Each of the pillars has a rule associated with it. Keep the rule - get rich. It is that simple.
The rule of the first pillar is "Whatever you decide to do be twice as good at half the price!" Now that was easy, wasn't it? You could have come up with that simple rule.
What I mean here is that regardless of the business or service you offer; don't offer it for half the price, but not quite as good. NO! NO! NO. It must be twice as good as the competition, but at half the price.
You figure out how to do that. Wal-Mart and Target sell the same stuff you can buy at other stores, but it costs a whole lot less at Wal-Mart and Target. They figured out how to do that and even though some people hate to shop there, they do. Sure, Wal-Mart puts the "little guy" out of business, but HELLO! This is what capitalism is all about.
Capitalism is just another name for the war of Businesses. But I digress.
It used to be said that if you wanted to make a million dollars, "build a better mousetrap." That may be true if the better mousetrap costs less than the old standard mousetrap. But, if the new and better mousetrap costs twice as much, then you have a whole lot of selling to do to convince "Joe Public" that your mousetrap is indeed better and worth the extra money.
Remember less is always best when it comes to the mind of man. We are greedy souls. Sure quality sells, but sell TWICE the quality at half the price and you will sell much more, and you will sell it easier and faster. You are on your way to getting rich.
But it doesn't stop there. The second pillar has as its rule: "Share your knowledge." What this means is to teach others how to do what you do.
In other words, if you are a great landscaper, teach others to do what you do until they are as good as you are, or better. If you are a great builder of children's play houses, teach others to build children's play houses as well as you build or better than you build them.
Another way of looking at this; as soon as you are the best basketball player on the court, teach someone to be as good as or better than you and start coaching. You can never get rich if all your personal time, energy and resources are tied up in "doing the do." You can't get rich if you are so busy "doing" landscaping that you don't have time to get more business.
As soon as you can see that you are 50-60% "busy", start "sharing your knowledge." Don't wait until you are so busy that you don't have time to "share your knowledge." This is important.
The third pillar has as its rule: "Share the wealth." What this means is that you have to be willing to let go of the lion's share of the money so you can make more money. Make others rich so you can become rich. It is better to get 25-35% of a large sum of money, than it is to get 100% of a small sum of money.
Share your knowledge (pillar two) and then share your wealth (pillar three) and start making your money on the "quantity and the quality" of your work; only you personally are not doing this quality work.
You have taught people, as many as are necessary to get the work done, to do the quality work you would have done if you still did the work and for their work you are willing to share the wealth.
And the final fourth pillar's rule: "You have to be willing to stop doing what you did and only work at getting more DO to DO."
In other words you have to be willing to stop doing landscaping and never mow another lawn and spend most of your time getting more jobs for your people to do. In other words, you have to be willing to sell your services and stop doing them.
This is the easiest thing to teach and the hardest rule for people to do. In other words, you need to be the President of "starving artists." However, you don't want to be a starving artist.
If you loved to paint, and even if you made money selling your paintings, you can't paint any longer. You can teach people to paint, and pay them to paint, but you can't paint.
You spend your time selling the paintings painted by the starving artists, but you don't paint. You have to be willing to stop doing the do and keep getting more DO to DO.
And it doesn't stop there. Soon you will hire others and "share your knowledge" again, and show them how to sell more business like you have been doing, and they will sell more and more business so your people can make more and more money, because you shared with them the knowledge of how to do this.
Now you are king. Yes, "the king is in the counting house counting all his money." And what did you do?
1. You were TWICE as good at Half the Price.
2. You shared your knowledge and taught people to do what you do so they could make money too.
3. You shared the wealth keeping only 25-35% of profits and paying your people the rest.
4. You stopped "doing the do" and started only selling the "DO."
Again, at some point you won't even sell anymore and will just allow others to make a rewarding and good living while you live in richland.
Being rich may not make you any happier, but it will allow you to stop worrying about money, which may "enrich" your life by mentoring others so they can make money.
One thing for sure, if you have never been rich don't try and tell me that money doesn't matter. It may not matter if you go to Maui and bask in the sun on the white sands at the Grand Wailea Resort.
However, once you have "been there and done that," you will never say you don't care if you go there. For those who have "been there and done that," you know what I mean. For those that haven't "been there and done that," you can say you don't care, but you should care.
And so it is with rich. When you are rich, you want others to be rich too. It's that good. Remember, being rich is not a number. It's a state of mind. Only you will know when you get there. When you are in that rich state of mind; you will know it. Think about it.
This formula, if precisely followed, will assure you will become rich. We have been told, "If you work hard, you will make money." And that's true, but the question is, how much money? I have seen a lot of people who work hard at McDonalds, Wal-Mart, Taco Bell, Ace Hardware, or in Real Estate, Insurance, Advertising, Training Horses, Cooking, Building Homes, etc.
They work 10-12 hours days, 6-7 days a week, and never have two nickels to rub together at the end of the month. So, looking at this in a pragmatic way of thinking, just working hard and long certainly doesn't insure you will get rich. Some say that the key to getting rich is to "work smart" not "work hard."
I think I know what they mean when they say that. This "work smart" concept has been explained to me as doing the things that are important; not just the things that are urgent. I will admit that this is definitely a step in the right direction, but one step is not enough to get rich.
I have been looking and evaluating all the rich people I know to come up with a real formula to make money and keep money. It's like in science: the formula for water is H2O, or 2 parts Hydrogen and one part Oxygen. If you have HO2 you will have something totally different.
I don't know what HO2 is, but it ain't water. The formula for water is what it is and you can't change it. So what is the pragmatic formula for getting rich?
Now, when I say get rich I am not talking about "doing well, getting by, doing Okay or even doing fine." I am talking about rich - that point in life when money doesn't rule your life; that point when you rule money or when you are not attached to money.
That point in life at which you do the things you want to do, when you want to do them without worrying about how you will afford to do them. I don't need to tell you when you are rich; you will know rich when you are rich. It is like someone asking you, "When will I know when I have arrived?"
If you have to ask, you haven't. If you have to ask if you are rich, you aren't. Being rich is not a number; it is a state of mind. But believe me, when you are you know it. So, here is the pragmatic formula that if followed, will make you rich. Rich rests upon four giant pillars of wealth. Using one or two of the pillars will help you make more money, but if you use all four, you will get rich.
So don't say you don't need one of them. You need all four pillars to be rich. Each of the pillars has a rule associated with it. Keep the rule - get rich. It is that simple.
The rule of the first pillar is "Whatever you decide to do be twice as good at half the price!" Now that was easy, wasn't it? You could have come up with that simple rule.
What I mean here is that regardless of the business or service you offer; don't offer it for half the price, but not quite as good. NO! NO! NO. It must be twice as good as the competition, but at half the price.
You figure out how to do that. Wal-Mart and Target sell the same stuff you can buy at other stores, but it costs a whole lot less at Wal-Mart and Target. They figured out how to do that and even though some people hate to shop there, they do. Sure, Wal-Mart puts the "little guy" out of business, but HELLO! This is what capitalism is all about.
Capitalism is just another name for the war of Businesses. But I digress.
It used to be said that if you wanted to make a million dollars, "build a better mousetrap." That may be true if the better mousetrap costs less than the old standard mousetrap. But, if the new and better mousetrap costs twice as much, then you have a whole lot of selling to do to convince "Joe Public" that your mousetrap is indeed better and worth the extra money.
Remember less is always best when it comes to the mind of man. We are greedy souls. Sure quality sells, but sell TWICE the quality at half the price and you will sell much more, and you will sell it easier and faster. You are on your way to getting rich.
But it doesn't stop there. The second pillar has as its rule: "Share your knowledge." What this means is to teach others how to do what you do.
In other words, if you are a great landscaper, teach others to do what you do until they are as good as you are, or better. If you are a great builder of children's play houses, teach others to build children's play houses as well as you build or better than you build them.
Another way of looking at this; as soon as you are the best basketball player on the court, teach someone to be as good as or better than you and start coaching. You can never get rich if all your personal time, energy and resources are tied up in "doing the do." You can't get rich if you are so busy "doing" landscaping that you don't have time to get more business.
As soon as you can see that you are 50-60% "busy", start "sharing your knowledge." Don't wait until you are so busy that you don't have time to "share your knowledge." This is important.
The third pillar has as its rule: "Share the wealth." What this means is that you have to be willing to let go of the lion's share of the money so you can make more money. Make others rich so you can become rich. It is better to get 25-35% of a large sum of money, than it is to get 100% of a small sum of money.
Share your knowledge (pillar two) and then share your wealth (pillar three) and start making your money on the "quantity and the quality" of your work; only you personally are not doing this quality work.
You have taught people, as many as are necessary to get the work done, to do the quality work you would have done if you still did the work and for their work you are willing to share the wealth.
And the final fourth pillar's rule: "You have to be willing to stop doing what you did and only work at getting more DO to DO."
In other words you have to be willing to stop doing landscaping and never mow another lawn and spend most of your time getting more jobs for your people to do. In other words, you have to be willing to sell your services and stop doing them.
This is the easiest thing to teach and the hardest rule for people to do. In other words, you need to be the President of "starving artists." However, you don't want to be a starving artist.
If you loved to paint, and even if you made money selling your paintings, you can't paint any longer. You can teach people to paint, and pay them to paint, but you can't paint.
You spend your time selling the paintings painted by the starving artists, but you don't paint. You have to be willing to stop doing the do and keep getting more DO to DO.
And it doesn't stop there. Soon you will hire others and "share your knowledge" again, and show them how to sell more business like you have been doing, and they will sell more and more business so your people can make more and more money, because you shared with them the knowledge of how to do this.
Now you are king. Yes, "the king is in the counting house counting all his money." And what did you do?
1. You were TWICE as good at Half the Price.
2. You shared your knowledge and taught people to do what you do so they could make money too.
3. You shared the wealth keeping only 25-35% of profits and paying your people the rest.
4. You stopped "doing the do" and started only selling the "DO."
Again, at some point you won't even sell anymore and will just allow others to make a rewarding and good living while you live in richland.
Being rich may not make you any happier, but it will allow you to stop worrying about money, which may "enrich" your life by mentoring others so they can make money.
One thing for sure, if you have never been rich don't try and tell me that money doesn't matter. It may not matter if you go to Maui and bask in the sun on the white sands at the Grand Wailea Resort.
However, once you have "been there and done that," you will never say you don't care if you go there. For those who have "been there and done that," you know what I mean. For those that haven't "been there and done that," you can say you don't care, but you should care.
And so it is with rich. When you are rich, you want others to be rich too. It's that good. Remember, being rich is not a number. It's a state of mind. Only you will know when you get there. When you are in that rich state of mind; you will know it. Think about it.
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