The Pragmatic Press: Books that make you think.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Getting Ready to Send Upcoming Titles out to Reviewers:

Here at LJW Publishing we're getting ready to submit our two upcoming titles to reviewers. First out is 21st Century Advertising for New Home Builders in July 2008 and following 2 months later is Meeting Lizzy. All LJW Publishing books are available for purchase through Atlas Books and through major wholesalers and retailers everywhere.

21st Century Advertising for New Home Builders provides builders with the necessary knowledge to apply modern advertising, sales & marketing techniques that give them the edge as they accommodate recent changes in the industry and increase their home sales.

Meeting Lizzy is a fiction YA novel introducing Lizzy. She slams into Cy’s life with the menacing shadow of “Beef Man” right behind and Cy’s priorities fall apart making room for a secret so big and so wrong that he can’t think of anything else.

To pre-order visit Atlas Books. For author or book information visit the LJW Publishing website. If you'd like us to consider sending out a book for you to review, send your name, address, and credentials along and we'll definitely consider it!